LassK International Equity Foundation for Kids
Education is Our Hope & Strength
LassK International Equity Foundation for Kids
LassK is a non-profit organization driven by the work of volunteers who are committed to bringing health and education equity to underserved communities. Our founders all have deep ties in the regions we support. We grew up watching our parents work tirelessly to meet the basic needs of our families, and we know from experience the struggles that children in our situation still face today. We persevered throughout our education and professional lives to overcome these limitations, so we are committed to providing support to vulnerable children and their families.
We focus on healthcare and education, two fundamental elements that support a brighter future for today's children and the generations that will follow them. We are inspired by the wisdom of Nelson Mandela who reminds us that "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."
We want to help for fighting diseases and illness caused by hunger
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About LassK Foundation
The Full Story
LassK Foundation is an online forum - by the community, for the community. Our General Forum brings together news, views, and essential information, all written by passionate and knowledgeable community members. Please don’t hesitate to start a new topic or contribute to an ongoing discussion. Browse our posts below and join the conversation today.
Latest News

"The West African country of the Ivory Coast faces harsh realities concerning its educational system. The challenges children face in the country must be met by better solutions if education in the Ivory Coast is to improve. In 2016, Ivory Coast made education mandatory for all children ages six to sixteen. Furthermore, the 2016 Education Sector Plan seeks to ensure that all children and adults have the proper avenues to seek education and training." – Eric Paulsen

“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”
Victor Hugo
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X
Our Story

"Education in Ivory Coast continues to face many challenges. The literacy rate for adults remains low: in 2000, it was estimated that only 48.7% of the total population was literate (60.8% of males and 38.6% of females). Many children between 6 and 10 years are not enrolled in school, mainly children of poor families." - Wikipedia -